When I heard that Coldplay was going to perform the halftime show I was a little baffled. I have nothing against them and the interviews that I have seen they are some really nice guys but I think that they had their time. Being that I only was watching the Superbowl because I had money in it, I wasn't really involved. Then they came on.
I have no idea what they songs were, but I was happy because they were happy, and so was their performance. Their message was...for lack of a better word HAPPY. Coldplays performance was super refreshing especially after hearing major stars such as Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who are boycotting events because of some issue (I'm going to be ignorant and guess its a race thing...but really I love Will and Jada and it hurts that they are falling into race thing, I thought they were better than that.) (Also, Leonardo Dicaprio has not won an Oscar or so the memes have stated. So I don't think not winning is a race thing just the best actors are usually the ones who do not win thing.) ( Also, I have not seen any memes yet about how Beyonce and Bruno were dressed as Black Panthers.)
ANYWAY, digressing from uber redundancy, we all know that love is the cure for almost EVERYTHING. Mine is when I come home and my dog is so happy to see me he all about does back flips. Or when my niece comes over and we spend hours playing 'paydoh' whilst giggling over our misshapen cookies and hot dogs. No matter how my day goes, I can count on love to make it all better every single day, and by believing in love I am able to navigate and manage my depression. Everyone has love it is just a matter of recognizing it.
- Animals
- Children
- People
- Hobbies
- Family
- Stories
- Pretty much anything that gives you major joy.
*I know for some people they might issues with or not able to see love in their life but it is there and even if it seems that love is lost for you, I can guarantee that though you may feel loveless, you are someone elses love, and I hope by believing that, you will find love.
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